Wily Beast and Weakest Creature/Traduction

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La transcription française de Wily Beast and Weakest Creature pour votre plaisir de lecture.

Le japonais a également été implanté pour permettre aux traducteurs de traduire au maximum de leur capacités.




Other Translations

Spell Cards

A list of translations of the spell cards appearing in Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.


Intro Screen

This game is a work of fiction. All characters and organizations that appear have passed into fantasy.

Difficulty Levels

Like most of the other Windows games, each of the difficulty levels has a special name and a short summary.

子羊級 EASY Mode みんなが優しくしてくれる難易度です
Lamb Level Easy Mode A difficulty level where everyone will treat you kindly.
柴犬級 NORMAL Mode 甘く見ていると噛まれる難易度です
Shiba Inu Level Normal Mode A difficulty level that'll bite you if you underestimate it.
剣歯虎級 HARD Mode 生き残るのは難しい難易度です
Sabertooth Tiger Level Hard Mode A difficulty level where it's hard to survive.
恐竜級 LUNATIC Mode 勝てるわけがない
Dinosaur Level Lunatic Mode There's no way you can win.
幻獸級 EXTRA Mode 人間界が侵略される前に食い止めろ
Phantom Beast Level Extra Mode Stop them before they invade the Human Realm!

Stage Titles

There are three stages in the demo version of the game. There are six main stages and an extra stage in the full version of the game.

Stage 1 「千万無量の無念 Infinity Make-work」 Innumerable Regrets ~ Infinity Make-work
Stage 2 「御影石の赤子 Cross the Styx」 A Baby Carved from Granite ~ Cross the Styx
Stage 3 「鬼渡の関所 Lonely Amaryllis」 Checkpoint of Oniwatari[1] ~ Lonely Amaryllis
Stage 4 「万苦の業風 Darkside of Paradise」 Karmic Wind of Ten Thousand Sufferings ~ Darkside of Paradise
Stage 5 「畜生メトロポリス Beastly Dystopia」 Tiragyoni[2] Metropolis ~ Beastly Dystopia
Final Stage 「イドラデウス Idola-Deus」 Idol of God ~ Idola-Deus
Extra Stage 「血戯えの業風 Beastly Storm」 Karmic Wind of a Bloody Frenzy ~ Beastly Storm

Main Game

  1. 鬼渡神社 (Oniwatari-jinja, lit. "Oni's Passage Shrine"): one of several names for numerous shrines in northeastern Japan. Many shrines with variations on the name exist, using different kanji read as niwatari, o-niwatari, niwatori (a homophone of the Japanese word for "chicken"), etc.
  2. 畜生 (chikushou lit. "animal life") is in reference to 畜生道 (Chikushoudou lit. "Animal Realm"), the Japanese name of the Sanskrit Tiragyonigati, one of the three lower realms of rebirth in Buddhism